Inter-Zone Air Movement

This facility deals with the specification of air movement between zones (IZAM). It also allows the specification of air flow into a zone from the outside. Air flows are specified in advance of a simulation as time-varying mass flow rates.


Tas will calculate air flow rates when you use the Aperture Types facility.


The movement of air is specified in terms of air movement into each zone. The air flow is specified in units of mass flow per unit time.


You should ensure that all air flows are correctly accounted for. Any air flow imbalance will be reported as a "Max Pressure Exceeded" error when you attempt to simulate.


With care, these air movements may be used to simulate certain systems which use air as a circulation medium, for example rock stores or certain types of solar collector.


To see how to apply an IZAM profile to zones and zone groups, go to the Inter Zone Air Movement Table topic.


The IZAM profile has the following parameters:



The name which the user has given to the profile. To rename it, double-click in the box, type in a new name, and then either press the <Tab> button or left-click in another box.



Details of the profile. To make changes, double-click in the box, type in a new description, and then either press the <Tab> button or left click in another box.


Day Types

The day types which the profile is assigned to. To assign a profile to a day type, left-click on the day type's name in this box so that it is highlighted. To unassign the profile, left-click on the day type's name so it is not highlighted.


Source Zone

If this option is selected, air will be coming from the named zone. To assign a source zone, left-click on the '+' symbol by the Zones folder to show all zones, left-click on the '+' by the Inter Zone Air Movement folder to show all IZAM profiles, point the mouse cursor to the zone you want to use, hold down the left mouse button, move the cursor to the IZAM profile, and then release the left mouse button. The name of the zone will appear in the Source Zone box and the Source Zone option will be selected. This profile should then be assigned to the zones where the air is going to.


To Outside

If this option is selected, then the air will be going to the outside. This profile should then be assigned to the zones where the air is coming from.


From Outside

If this option is selected, then the air will be coming from the outside. This profile should then be assigned to the zones where the outside air is going to.


Air Movement

This will specify how much air is moving and when the movement is occurring. For more details, please go to the Gains Table topic.

