This option deals with the specification of environmental control, incidental gains, infiltration and ventilation. To see how to apply an 'Internal Condition' profile to a zone or zone group, please read the section on the Internal Conditions Table.
The 'Internal Conditions' details window has the following parameters:
The name the user has given to the profile. To change it double click in the box, type in a new name and either press the <Tab> button or left click in another box.
Details of the profile. To change it double click in the box, type in a new description and either press the <tab> button or left click in another box.
Include Solar in MRT
This parameter determines whether the mean radiant temperature (MRT) calculated by Tas will take account of the diffuse solar radiation flux which an occupant of the zone would experience and which would contribute to the occupant's perception of radiant temperature. Including this contribution (the box is checked) will produce the most accurate estimate of perceived MRT, but you have the option of excluding it by unchecking the box.
Day Types
The day types the profile is assigned to. To assign a profile to a day type, left click on the day type's name in this box so that it is highlighted. To unassign the profile, left click on the day type's name in this box so it is not highlighted.
The details windows also contains 4 tabs:
Each of which is described in detail in the following sections.