This option deals with the specification of output variables to be written to the Tas Simulation Data (TSD) during simulation. Hourly values of these variables may be accessed using the Results Viewer.
To see how to apply a surface output specification to a zone, please read the Surface Output Specs Table topic.
The Surface Output Specification details window will show a table with the following parameters:
The name the user has given to the schedule. To edit it, double-click in the box, type in the new name, and then press the <Tab> key on your keyboard, or left-click on another box.
The details of the schedule. This can be edited by the user.
Solar Gain
If this option is ticked, then the amount of solar gain absorbed by the internal and external sides of the selected surface will be output.
Aperture Data
If this option is ticked, then the air flowing through a selected aperture will be output, as well as the percentage opening of the aperture.
If this option is ticked, then the amount of internal, external and interstitial condensation build-up for a selected surface will be output. When this option is selected, the "Convection" and "Temperature" options will automatically be selected. Do not de-select these options, otherwise the condensation calculations will not work.
If this option is ticked, then the amount by which the internal and external sides of the selected surface conducts will be output.
If this option is ticked, then the amount by which the internal and external side of the selected surface convects will be output.
Long Wave
If this option is ticked, then the amount of long wave radiation gain absorbed by the internal and external sides of the selected surface will be output. When this option is selected, the "Solar Gain", "Conduction", and "Convection" options will automatically be selected as well. Do not de-select these options, otherwise the long wave values can not be calculated.
Dry Bulb Temp
If this option is ticked, then the surface temperature of the internal and external sides of the selected surface will be output.