Substitute Element

"Substitute Element" profiles are used to specify that a building element is substituted for another building element at certain times. In the most common application of this feature, the main building element will represent a window and the substitute building element will be the same window with a blind. The substitution process will then represent the drawing of the blind. The following points should be noted:

For details on how to apply 'Substitute Element' profiles to a Building Element, please read the section: Substitute Elements Table.


The "Substitute Elements" details window has the following parameters:



The name of the profile. To change it, double click in this box, type in a new name and then press <Tab> or left-click in another box.



The details of the profile. This can be edited by the user.


Building Element

The name of the Substitute Element. To apply a Building Element to this profile. Left-click on the '+' by the "Building Elements" folder to show all Building Elements. Left-click on the '+' by the "Substitute Elements" folder to show all the profiles. Move the cursor over the icon for the Building Element you want to use as a substitute, hold down the left mouse, move the cursor over the substitute element icon, and then release the mouse button.


Day types

The day types which the profile is assigned to. To assign a profile to a day type, left-click on the day type's name in this box so that it is highlighted. To unassign the profile, left-click on the day type's name in this box so it is not highlighted.


Substitute Element Gains Table

The substitution will take place when the "Substitute Element" value is non-zero. For more details on how to edit this parameter, read the Gains Table topic.


Note: If the "Substitute Element" value is set to 0, then no substitution will be applied to the Building Element.


Feature Shades Table