Zones - Internal Conditions

This tab displays which 'Internal Conditions' profiles have been applied to this zone. The table has two columns showing the name of the 'Internal Conditions' profile and the day types that it has been assigned to. You can sort the table by either of these parameters by clicking on the appropriate column header, by clicking on the header again you can reverse the order.


Double clicking on an 'Internal Conditions' row in the table brings up the 'Internal Conditions' details window. For more details about this please see the section on Internal Conditions.


To apply an 'Internal Conditions' profile to a zone, Left click on the '+' by the 'Internal Conditions' folder to reveal all the internal conditions profiles. Place the pointer of the appropriate profile in the tree view, hold down the left mouse button, move the pointer to the Zones - Internal Conditions table and release the left mouse button.


To remove an 'Internal Conditions' profile from the zone, left click on its row in this table and press the <Delete> button.


Multiple 'Internal Condition' profiles can be assigned to one zone so long as they are not assigned to the same day types.


If a zone has at least one 'Internal Condition' profile applied to it, a tick will appear by its icon in the tree view.


Warning - If you do not apply an internal condition to a particular zone or on a particular day type, then the zone will be modelled with no internal gains and no plant . Most zones should have at least have an infiltration rate so an 'internal condition' profile must be applied to model this.


Zones - IZAMs