Colour by Building Element - surfaces will be coloured according to the building element applied to them.
Colour by Zone - surfaces will be coloured according to the zone they belong to.
Colour by Surface Type – surfaces will be coloured dependent on their type, similar to the “Colour by Analysis” option in the 3D Modeller.
Ground surfaces will be coloured cyan.
Exposed surfaces will be coloured pale green.
Internal (i.e. internal to a zone) surfaces will be coloured yellow.
Link (i.e. linking to another zone) surfaces will be coloured pink.
Link Error (i.e. failing to link – this blocks simulation) surfaces will be coloured red.
Null Link (i.e. adiabatic link) surfaces will be coloured lavender.
Colour by Sun Availability - surfaces will be coloured according to the average proportion able to receive direct sunlight throughout the year (during hours where the sun is higher than 2°). Colour values can be seen on the legend. As this must check values through the year, it can take a couple of minutes to generate values for a large model.
Colour by Insolation – exposed surfaces will be coloured according to the expected accumulated solar gain absorbed over the course of the year. Colour values can be seen on the legend. Surfaces with no construction will be assumed to be 100% opaque. Feature shades and substitute elements will not be taken into account. It takes a small amount of time to run the calculations for these results.
Colour by Daylight Factor - surfaces will be coloured according to the daylight factor of the zone they belong to. Colour values can be seen on the legend.
White Background / Black Background - changes background colour. Any text or overlay will be changed accordingly for visibility.
White Outlines / Black Outlines - changes outline colour.
Grey Inner Surfaces - 'Inner' faces of surfaces will be shown as grey, no matter their usual colour. Primarily for 'sanity-checking' a model imported from another tool to make sure surfaces are not inverted.
Show Null Surfaces - display null surfaces.
Mask Facing Surfaces – surfaces facing approximately toward the camera will not be filled, allowing the user to see into the building.
Mask Transparent Surfaces - transparent surfaces (surfaces with a transparent construction or that are null) will not be filled.
Mask All Except Floors – surfaces with an inclination of less than 135° will not be filled.
Fill Unfocussed Surfaces - when enabled, areas of the model not currently highlit will be shown as transparent.
Outline Unfocussed Surfaces - when enabled, areas of the model not currently highlit will be outlined.
Draw Outlines - enables/disables drawing of outlines for the entire model.
Enable Transparency - enables/disables transparent display of transparent surfaces (null surfaces and those with a transparent construction).
Show Compass Rose - displays a simple compass rose with North arrow underneath model.
Display Options – brings up the Visualisation Options dialog, detailed below. If the dialog is already open, this menu option will bring it to the top.
Orthographic- use orthographic projection (also known as parallel projection), disabling perspective and preserving parallel lines.
Faster Interactive - Draw a significantly simplified version of the model (no transparency, outlines or wind rose) while the camera is moving, then redraw full model when the camera is stationary. Highly recommended for larger models unless you have a graphics card.
Reset to Defaults – Reset visualisation options to their default values.