Show wind rose – Displays a wind rose under the model based on the weather in the file.
Offset wind rose – Expands the wind rose to start from the outside of the compass rose.
Show sun arcs – Draw lines showing the position of the sun for several days throughout the year. A line is drawn for the 21st day of each month. Days after the winter solstice, up to and including the summer solstice, will be shown as dotted lines.
Show analemmas – Draw lines showing the position of the sun throughout the year for each hour of the day. Days after the winter solstice, up to and including the summer solstice, will be shown as dotted lines.
Draw sun data below horizon – Draw sun arcs and analemmas even where the sun is lower than 2.5° (or 0.2° if the building’s Terrain Type is Flat Profile). Below this angle the lines will be grey.
Draw sky dome – Draw a dome of lines around the building at the same distance as the sun arcs.
Show solar map – Areas of the sky dome around the model are coloured according to the amount of direct radiation that originates from their respective angle. Purple denotes low values, rising to yellow for high values.