Selecting an item in the Tree View while the 3D Visualisation is open will highlight relevant parts of the 3D model:
Selecting a Building Element will highlight all surfaces with that building element applied.
Selecting a Zone Group will highlight all zones belonging to that group.
Selecting a Zone will highlight that zone.
Selecting an Internal Condition will highlight all zones with that internal condition applied.
Selecting a Construction will highlight all surfaces whose building element has that construction applied.
Selecting an Aperture Type will highlight all surfaces whose building element has that aperture type applied.
Selecting a Substitute Element will highlight all surfaces whose building element has that substitute element applied.
Selecting a Feature Shade will highlight all surfaces whose building element has that feature shade applied.
Selecting an Inter Zone Air Movement will show zones involved with the IZAM to be shown as semi-transparent and arrows draw showing the source and target of the air movement (note: not the path). IZAMs from outside will be shown as red arrows, IZAMs to outside will be shown as blue arrows, and IZAMs between zones will be shown as purple arrows.
Selecting anything else, including folders, will cause the entire model to be displayed as normal.
In addition there are three other special cases:
If a Zone Group is selected in the tree, you may select one or more zones on the list of zones on the right-hand side. This will cause the selected zones to be shown as opaque, and the non-selected ones in that zone group to be shown as semi-transparent.
If a Zone is selected in the tree, you may select one or more surfaces on the surfaces tab on the right-hand side. This will cause the selected surfaces to be shown as opaque, and the non-selected ones in that zone to be shown as semi-transparent.
If the IZAMs folder is selected, you may select one or more IZAMs from the list on the right-hand side, causing arrows to be drawn as described above. This way you can see a network of multiple IZAMs simultaneously.
Hovering over a surface in the 3D Visualisation will display a tooltip showing the zone name and the surface number, as well as any displayed data, if applicable.
Double-left-clicking a surface in the 3D Visualisation will take you to the details page for the relevant zone, and therefore highlight it in the 3D Visualisation window.
If the mouse cursor is not over any surfaces, double-left-clicking will cause the list of zones to be selected in the tree view, and therefore the whole model will be displayed.
Right-clicking anywhere within the 3D Visualisation window will bring up a menu to select display options (see below for details).