Opening the 3D Modeller

You can open the 3D Modeller from the Tas Manager and you can open a new or existing file from within the application. You can also use the Building Initialisation Wizard to launch the 3D Modeller.


To open the application from the Tas Manager, double-click on the 3D Modeller shortcut in the "Tas\Applications" folder. The title bar at the top of the screen will display the name of the application along with the usual window controls. You will see a range of toolbars, a drawing area, and a number of sidebars on the right of the screen. You are now ready to import a CAD drawing and start tracing round it. If you have a gbXML file you can import it directly into the 3D Modeller and go from there.


You are also able to open a T3D file from outside the 3D Modeller by double-clicking on the file name, either in Windows Explorer or the Tas Manager. For example, if you double-click on a pre-existing "Building1.t3d" file when the application is closed then the file will be open in the 3D Modeller.


Not unusually, you will be able to open a new or existing file from within the application. On the File menu, click New to open a new file, or to edit an existing file, select Open on the same.


To open the building initialisation wizard, click on the "Create Building" button on the Tas Manager and then follow the instructions given on the screen.


The Building Initialisation Wizard