Importing/Exporting Files

You will be able to import and export these file formats in the 3D Modeller:



Files that are produced by the 3D Modeller will have the file extension "t3d", and the default file name used will be "building1.t3d", which of course you can change.


The building geometry will be exported to the Building Simulator where additional information will be added to the model. The export process will produce a building data file, where the file extension used will be "tbd".


You will also be able to import and export gbXML files. A gbXML file will have the file extension "xml" and is based on the Green Building XML schema (not all "xml" files are gbXML files).


You will be able to produce image files of 3D views (PNG, BMP, TIFF, JPG), as well as 3D DWG files, which you can then import into other software packages.


You will also be able to produce light preparation files (LP) that can be opened in Lightscape.


You will be able to output to AVI to show recordings of the sun movement throughout a single day, a view from the sun throughout a chosen day, or circle around the building at specified angular intervals.


Opening the 3D Modeller