Inputting Information about the Heating Circuit



Exercise and Notes


  1. Click on the Add Heating Circuit button on the toolbar and select a heating circuit with primary and secondary tanks.

  2. Alternatively you can create a basic heating circuit in the first instance and then set the type after the fact. You can do this one of two ways.

  3. Assuming you've added a circuit as per Step 1 drag the unassigned components (zones) that are on the left onto the new heating circuit. You can add all zones in one go by collapsing the folders on the left and then holding down the Shift key to highlight the whole tree view. Just click on the Collapse button on the toolbar if everything's expanded.

  4. Set the distribution efficiency of the heating group to 90% to increase the energy consumption needed to meet the demand of the heating group by a factor of 1/0.9.

