Import gbXML

The 3D Modeller is able to import and export gbXML files. You have to open a blank T3D to import a gbXML file because the option will be greyed out otherwise. You can then import further gbXML models but only if they have the same campus ID, allowing you to add extensions or modifications to an existing model. But if you have already started tracing over a CAD file (for example) then the option to import a gbXML file won't be available.


On the File menu, click Import gbXML. On the Open dialog box navigate to the gbXML file. The file will have the file extension ".xml". Click "Open" on the dialog. On the drawing pane you will see a 3D image of the gbXML data. This is an illustration of the building before it is imported. In other words it is the gbXML building data rather than the imported building. You should also see "gbXML Import Report" and "Import gbXML File" windows.


Import gbXML File dialog box

Preview and interact with the gbXML file before it is imported into the 3D Modeller. Take some time to view all the spaces before you import the file. Start by turning off the display for certain spaces. For example you can view just the walls or floors by turning off the options to display ceilings, roofs, shades, and openings. This approach is useful for identifying errors and/or omissions from the gbXML data before spending time importing it into Tas.


On the Zones tab you have the following options:


Use Zone Names Imports zone names from the gbXML file.
If the file doesn't contain zone data then you will only be able to select "Use Space Names".
If this option is turned on AND "Selected spaces" is ticked then the gbXML data will be invisible because the "Selected spaces" option is linked to "Use Space Names".
Use Space Names (select for display) Imports space names from the gbXML file.
You need to enable "Use Space Names" and then select one or more space names. Hold down the Ctrl key for multi-select.
Click on the Display tab and select the "Selected spaces" button to preview selected space names.
This is useful when looking for errors before importing the file.
All spaces will be imported regardless of the spaces displayed in this preview.
Imported Model (This section is under the table that lists the space names.)
Create 3D Model Imports the gbXML data without 2D floor plans.
You can edit the geometry in a 3D view by using the "Set" commands on the Assign toolbar. Create a new 2D floor plan to extend the building geometry or add external zones and shades. Reassign zones and building elements and see how the building will be shaded at each day and hour. Export the building geometry to TBD where you will have the option to perform shadow calculations.
Attempt creation of 2D Floors Imports the gbXML data and tries to generate 2D floor plans.
It is not always possible to derive floor plans or a 3D model from the gbXML data without one or more anomalies.
The geometry can be edited and errors or warnings can be corrected.  
Import Imports the gbXML data to create a 3D model and no floor plans ("Create 3D Model") or a 3D model with derived floor plans ("Attempt creation of 2D Floors").


On the Display tab you will have the following options:


All Spaces View all of the gbXML data.
Selected Spaces View the space names that are highlighted on the Zones tab.
You have to tick the "Use Space Names" button and then select which zones to display.
Building Revit software will generate gbXML files with surface data.
Bentley software will generate gbXML files with additional data and attributes for the whole building.
This option is not available if the file only contains surface data.
gbXML Entity
Surfaces View the gbXML data as surfaces in 3D, either in part or as a complete building (see the "Selected spaces" option).
Combine the output with the options listed on "Display Surfaces" to view one or more surface types.
Spaces View the building as a building blocks representing rooms or spaces.
Surface data such as shades or windows aren't displayed but will be imported.  
Space boundaries Revit generates gbXML files that contain surface data.
Bentley software generates gbXML files with additional data relevant to space boundaries.
This option is not available if the file only contains surface data.
Display Surfaces (This section has a number of checkboxes which you can use even if you have selected the "Use Zone Names" button on the Zones tab. You can tick or clear these boxes to see surface data before importing the model into Tas.
Walls View/omit surface data for the internal and external walls.
This doesn't affect which surfaces are imported.
Floors View/omit surface data for the floor surfaces.
This option doesn't affect which surfaces are imported.
Shades View/omit surface data for external shades.
This option doesn't affect which surfaces are imported.
With Openings View/omit surface data for openings or other fenestration products on the building envelope, for example windows, roof lights, and doors.
Use this option with the Walls checkbox to see the opening.
This option doesn't affect which surfaces are imported.
Boundary without surface Revit can output surface data to gbXML.
Bentley software generates gbXML files with data relevant to boundaries without surfaces.
This option isn't available if the file only contains surface data.
This option doesn't affect which surfaces are imported.
Air Where the gbXML file has <null> surfaces, for example construction lines, Tas will use a building element it calls "Air".
After importing the gbXML data the Air building element is shown in the Building Elements table as "Null". It can be changed to a non-null element by unticking the checkbox.
This option doesn't affect which surfaces are imported.
Ceilings/Roofs View/omit surface data for ceiling or roof surfaces.
This option doesn't affect which surfaces are imported.
Colour by Type (radio button) Each surface is coloured by its type. Examples of surface types would be roof, external wall, and internal floor.
A roof surface will be displayed by some colour, for example magenta. This means that wherever you see the colour magenta in the 3D view, the surface will be a roof.
External walls will be displayed by a different colour, e.g. yellow. Wherever you see yellow the surface will be an external wall.
This option doesn't affect which surfaces are imported.
Colour by Analysis (radio button) Equivalent to the "colour by analysis" command on the View menu.
Point to "Colour by" and then "Analysis Colours" to view/edit colours for different building element types.
Building element types include Ground Floor, Exposed, Internal, Link, Null, and Shade.
This option doesn't affect which surfaces are imported.  


On the 2D Floor Creation tab you will have the following options (this tab should be used with the "Attempt create 2D Floors" option on the Zones tab):


Wall Creation
Default external wall width Enter a width for the external walls. Every building element has a width which can be thought of as a thickness. The width is distance between the internal and external surfaces.
Maximum internal wall width Similar to the "Default external wall width", enter a maximum width for the internal walls.
Floor Creation
Floor Options (button) Opens the "Building" dialog box for you to select an import option. Choose between "Use existing floors" or "Create new floors, select from list".
If you select "Create new floors" you can then highlight one or more floors from the floors table. To multi-select, hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard.


gbXML Import Report

The report will show the number of spaces and surfaces in the gbXML file before it's imported. It will be able to identify potential problem areas that may exist after the file has been imported. Not everything that is reported is necessarily a problem. For example, if a space is not bounded by a ceiling or roof surface because the space upper limit is lower than the roof height, then the report will draw your attention to this facet in the geometry as an early warning before you go any further. The software may be able to heal and forgive certain areas by creating a new building element (it will use the building element name "Air") to make sure the zone is completely bounded. You may have to return to the software that was used to create the gbXML file (for example, Revit) and edit the geometry to make sure the space upper limit is not below the roof height.


Export gbXML